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    Re: Womens shelter sued

    Posted by Mr. Lynn on 11/26/03

    Prairie Dog, the charge was "Rape", and all charges have been since
    dropped. The mother had gotten a noion that I had hired a "Johnny
    Cochran" of attorneys and had so much evidence against her that she
    got afraid of being charged with perjury, and in fact I was looking
    forward to trial. She contacted the DA's office and had them
    dismiss the charges.

    Even though at the preliminary hearing, though we had the records
    from the rape kit done at the Emergency Room, everything was
    negative. I was baffled at that time that even though the medical
    records prove otherwise they wanted to go to trial, I found our
    later that in this state all the court needs is a statement of oath
    that a rape took place and is sufficient to go to trial.

    Even when I was arrested, the Police and The District Magistrate
    knew this hadn't actually occured and was actually told y the D.M.
    that he knew this was B.S. but the womens shelter was breathing
    down his neck on this and ordered a $25,000.00 bond (the lowest he
    could give) and instructed me to get a good attorney, which I did.

    The womens shelter has a bad reputation around here of crucifying
    men in cases like this, and though I believe I have sufficient
    evidence to prove the allegations false and can establish a motive
    and history of false allegations, she is not worth a hill of beans
    monetarily. However, the womens shelter has no checks or balances
    in place to weed these false allegations and instead takes any
    report and goes for the throat. The attorney I met with is
    interested in possibly pursuing this against the shelter becuase
    they are insured and worth pursuing, and will go to Federal Court
    with this. What I have been trying to do is find some other cases
    nationwide where a shelter has been sued for the similar thing.
    Unfortunately, after several days of research I have not found a
    similar case, hence this posting.

    The custody case I have been involved with has been interstate,
    between Fl. and PA and has been extremely difficult. The "Rape"
    card is exactly that a "trump" card that now may be in my favor to
    win custody, I'm not concerned with the money, I want my daughter.
    Therefore, if I can find similar cases where a shelter has been
    sued, he'll work the case Pro Bono I guess you'd call it. Becuase
    of my custody case being interstate, I have no chance in getting
    her, however, the Federal Court could overrule the state court and
    hopefully is my ace. Thanks Lynn

    On 11/26/03, Prairie Dawg wrote:
    > Well, as usual, proof's a problem. You have to prove that the
    > biomom made false allegations and that the womes shelter acted on
    > these allegations and was the proximate cause of you getting
    > arrested and charged with....something or other.
    > As a generality, the cops have to have probable cause to arrest
    > you. That isn't a difficult standard to reach for. The county
    > attorney has to be able to make out the elements of the offense
    > charged in order to indict or file a trial information.
    > There are several procedural steps at which you may attempt to
    > intervene.....however, if there's even a smidgen of truth in
    > these allegations you don't have a lawsuit. You'll have to show
    > that they acted in utter disregard of the truth....and then they
    > may assert sovereign immunity-your state probably has a tort
    > claims act under which it sets out the procedure for suing the
    > government.
    > Seems like you've gotta deal with the criminal stuff first-
    > whatever that is. It's quite unusual for a criminal charge to be
    > filed absent any proof at all.
    > On 11/25/03, Lynn wrote:
    >> I was recently involved in a case of false allegations by my
    >> ddaughters mother with who I have been involved in a bitter
    >> custody dispute. She went to the Womens Shelter and told them
    >> these lies, I was immediately arrested and looking at some
    >> serious time. The shelter pressured the police and the District
    >> magistrate to pursue charges against me, though they knew
    >> themselves was B.S., I have an attorney that is looking at
    >> pursuing a case in Federal Court against them both. I live in
    >> PA.
    >> On 11/25/03, Prairie Dawg wrote:
    >>> Haven't heard of it but a lot could depend on what state
    >>> you're in and the applicable law. Sounds complicated....who's
    >>> suing whom?
    >>> On 11/25/03, Lynn wrote:
    >>>> Has anyone ever heard of a womens shelter being sued for
    >>>> Malicious Prosecution due to false allegations from a
    >>>> lieing client? Please e-mail with any info. Thanks. Lynn

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Womens shelter sued, 11/25/03, by Lynn.
  • Re: Womens shelter sued, 11/25/03, by Prairie Dawg.
  • Re: Womens shelter sued, 11/25/03, by Lynn.
  • Re: Womens shelter sued, 11/26/03, by Prairie Dawg.
  • Re: Womens shelter sued, 11/26/03, by Mr. Lynn.
  • Re: Womens shelter sued, 12/06/03, by Hardy Parkerson, Atty..
  • Re: Womens shelter sued, 12/06/03, by Hardy Parkerson, Atty..
  • Re: Womens shelter sued, 12/06/03, by H. Parkerson, Atty..
  • Re: Womens shelter sued, 1/15/04, by Not surprised.
  • Re: Womens shelter sued, 1/15/04, by Not surprised.
  • Re: Womens shelter sued, 1/15/04, by No justice.

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