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    Post: Civil Attorney Refusing to Do Work He Was Paid For

    Posted by Chris on 2/01/04

    About a year ago, a third party person hired an attorney
    for me, to represent me as my attorney in a section 1983
    case that includes arbitrary government interference with
    my private employment...The attorney assurred me in writing
    that while the case had existed for nearly a year, he was
    not aware of any statute of limitations that would prevent
    the case from being filed. Currently, we are quickly
    approaching a year since the Attorney was paid and
    virtually nothing has been done with my case. During this
    year, the communication from the attorney has been
    extremely poor..though recently it has become non-
    existent. So my questions are this:

    1. What recources do I have in way of the attorney? Is
    this incompetent representation or malpractice?

    2. Is the contract I signed with the third party payer
    void where the attorney is refusing to do his work and is
    therefore placing the case in harms way? The contract says
    if I win the case he gets the full sum back or 15%
    (whichever is greater) and if I die before the case is
    finalized, he still gets his money if the case wins... In
    other words, if I fired the attorney, could I still be held
    liable in way of the contract and have to reimburse the
    third party person even though the attorney was refusing to
    do any work, write the complaint and file the case in the
    federal court system?

    3. While the attorney has consistently maintained that he
    is not aware of any statute of limitations that would
    prevent my case from being filed...he has yet to tell me
    what the statute, what is the statute of
    limitations? Some people have told me it was six months...
    If true..then did the attorney commit fraud by taking the
    case and full payment a year after the harm was done? On
    the false pretense that I could still have my case filed.

    4. If the attorney has engaged in incompetent
    representation and/or malpractice, what are my options.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Civil Attorney Refusing to Do Work He Was Paid For, 2/01/04, by Chris.

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