Post: Corruption in Lee County, Kentucky
Posted by Pamela on 2/07/04
I have been "runned through the mill" in Lee Co., Ky. I personally know why certain laws were created and why U.S. citizens are protected by civil rights. But if your not in the clique, in Lee Co., Ky. you have no rights, you are not protected by any of the laws that govern this state and this country. I was being represented by the Commonwealth of Ky. in a child support matter. The representing attorney declared a conflict of interest after he muddled my case up and then reffered my case to another attorney who wont talk to me or let me be present in any of the court proceedings. I fired the Commonwealth and took my case on "Pro Se". While building my case for court, I found out that my first attorney dismissed over $14,000.00 in back child support owed to me and to the stated by my first husband, and allowed my second husband to deduct $56.00 in V. A. benefits twice, that my child was recieving, thus making current child support lower then what is recomended by the child support guide lines. My second husband is a 100% disabled veteran and I know he recieves hundreds of dollars for our child in benefits but the V. A. has an obligation to confidentiallity and they say I'm not entitled to know anything about anything. I have been recieving disabilty for the last several years for posttramatic stress disorders and therefore the statutes of limitations are extened in my cases. I have been traumatized by the Lee Co. court system and I need closure before I feel I can move on in my life. The wrongs I mentioned here is only part of it, there are many more (too much to write at one time). I want to sue the Commonwealth of Kentucky and/or the attorney who muddled my case almost to the point of non-repair. And it is my child who suffers the consequences. Anyone have any advise? Thank You.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Corruption in Lee County, Kentucky, 2/07/04, by Pamela.