Post: Trust Fees

Posted by George Bell on 5/10/04
About 2001 we had a family trust drawn up. Cost $1400. We now want some changes made. I would estimate not more that two hours work which would include a real estate contract. The attorney that drew up the original got married and retired. The new attorney in the firm wants an $800 retainer and $250 per hour. Must sign an agreement that we will go to arbitration in a dispute and not sue his firm. The agreement gives the attorney the authority to consult with other members of his firm at rates from $60 to $250 an hour. His firm is named as the succeeding trustee. Does this sound reasonable? Seems like an open ended contract for the attorney. He did not give us an estimate of the total cost. Don't feel good about this agreement.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Trust Fees, 5/10/04, by George Bell.