Post: School probation/Law Application

Posted by anonymous on 6/29/04
I am applying to law schools this fall and the applications ask whether I have ever had disciplinary probation. The answer is yes. I checked with my school about their release policy. They say all they release, IF asked, is the type of action and the consequence. I was a sophomore when this occurred (MIP) and have now been out of school three years. To answer this question honestly has been part of what has held me back for four years from applying. I dont want to answer yes and explain it if A - that will hurt my chances of being accepted and B - if they were not to find out otherwise. However, it was suggested that if it were to be found out at a later time, it could get me dismissed from school or disbarred. How important is that question to law school admissions and if answered honestly, how much detail do I give? I'm older and wiser (and also past age 21) and the circumstances were quite strange. I don't want it to haunt me forever! Thank you for your kind advice and replies.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- School probation/Law Application, 6/29/04, by anonymous.