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    Re: RE: Marital Home Destroyed in Tornado May14, 2004

    Posted by Alyse on 7/03/04

    V: Hello, thank you for responding. My attorney filed the
    motion for the court to uphold the Judgement of Divorce on June
    1, 2004. He pulled ALL transcripts from the divorce
    proceedings, and ANY subsequent hearings held too. He assured
    me that all the transcripts support what is currently in the
    divorce decree. I still have the voicemail that was left for me
    by him the day before the hearing, stating that they gone over
    everything thoroughly, and with the correspondence from the
    other attorney, we are going to win this matter, because the
    other side has failed to prove that there's typo's, and they
    are the ones that made that claim. I went in court confident.
    It was like the wind was taken from me when my attorney put me
    in that back room for several hours and told me that there are
    4 pages of typo's in the divorce decree, and if I want my mom
    to get paid, and at least me get some money $4,000 only out of
    the divorce, then I have to agree it was a typo. I'm suffering
    from post tramatic stress, recovering physically, and now this.
    From my understanding so far,there's no appeal process for this
    hearing. I've contacted the state bar for attorney's, but by
    this being a holiday weekend, trying to locate someone to stop
    what is going to happen Tuesday, has been impossible. Plus, the
    courts don't open again until Tuesday.

    On 7/03/04, v wrote:
    > On 7/02/04, Alyse wrote:
    >> We are legally divorced, and the home has both names on it.
    Also, the insurance policy has both names on it. Ex-hubby had
    180 days to refinance, give me equity and pay off obligations,
    then the home would be his. If he didn't then home to be sold,
    obligations paid, and balance to me.His time expired March
    2004, and he hadn't fulfilled his obligation.May 2004, home is
    destroyed in tornado (Saginaw, MI). Ex-hubby files claim and
    insurance company cuts him $3,000 check that night for
    immediate expenses, and gives him fully furnished apartment
    that night ... all to the exclusion of me.I contacted my
    divorce attorney, he files motion for temporary restraining
    order and sequesting of Insurance company. At hearing on motion
    my attorney's paralegal shows up, and ex-hubby's attorney
    states that divorce decree is a typo (part where if he doesn't
    fulfill obligation money goes to me). Thre is an Evidentuary
    Hearing called, and my attorney pulls all transcripts on the
    case, and finds that the transcripts support what's written in
    Judgement of Divorce. He assures me that we will win, it's an
    open and shut case and ex-hubby won't get the $500,000
    insurance money. My attorney calls me night before hearing to
    tell me to be confident that we will do fine, and the case is
    so conclusive that there was no need for him to subpoena any of
    our witnessed. At 8:30 AM, next day I meet my attorney at the
    courthouse, and he tells me that he's decided the divorce is a
    typo, not just that page, but 4 other pages too. The end result
    is on Tuesday, July 6, 2004, and Order will be entered that the
    ex-husband gets all proceeds from the insurance company.I feel
    that not only do I have a legal malpractice claim, but also
    surviving a tornado and still recovering from bruises I'm have
    post stress, and if in fact there are 4 pages of typo's and my
    attorney is the one that wrote the divorce, filed the motion
    from the tornado, and handles the Evidentuary Hearing, then the
    whole divorce Judgement needs to be appealed (I was in a very
    bad abuse situation during the pendency of the divorce). The
    insurance claims adjuster is best friends with the builder whom
    happens to also be hunting bussiesa nd friends to my ex-
    husband. The homes isn't worth $500,000, and all this
    represents a gross conflict of interest on the part of the
    cliams adjuster.I need help ASAP, and also to file appeals, and
    a legal malpractice suit. Any advice is welcomed and
    > Hi: i've never been to a divorce hearing. i'm not an
    attorney. when the hearing takes place, is it transcribd? or
    recorded? if so, then some one needs to go back & see what was
    recorded. & if indeed there are any mistakes as that are
    claimed now. they need to be brought out. and a new attorney
    hired. this one fired. then sue.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • RE: Marital Home Destroyed in Tornado May14, 2004, 7/02/04, by Alyse.
  • Re: RE: Marital Home Destroyed in Tornado May14, 2004, 7/03/04, by v.
  • Re: RE: Marital Home Destroyed in Tornado May14, 2004, 7/03/04, by Alyse.
  • Re: RE: Marital Home Destroyed in Tornado May14, 2004, 7/03/04, by v.
  • Re: RE: Marital Home Destroyed in Tornado May14, 2004, 7/09/04, by Michael.
  • Re: RE: Marital Home Destroyed **, 7/09/04, by Michael.

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