Post: CUSTODY/Paternity in PA.

Posted by J. Matt on 1/15/05
Thanks, Sharwinston for your imput. It was insightful and helpful. But in PA. and most other states I believe that once mother and father both sign and acknowledge paternity for children out of wedlock the onus is on the party challenging paternity to claim he or she acknowleged paternity only due to fraud or duress. In the refered to instance I give it seems there is much settled caselaw that laches now apply to the mother as well as doctrine of unreasonable searches and seizers where blood test is ordered. I want to be the father of the child and take on all the responsibilities that go with it. Mother, I contend, is estopped from challenging paternity at this juncture. I suppose I am simply perplexed as to how the judge and the conciliator can ignore the settled and leading caselaw on this. I belieeve that if court does not vacate order then I shall have to figure out how to expedite this matter on some kind of emergency appeal.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- CUSTODY/Paternity in PA., 1/15/05, by J. Matt.
- Re: CUSTODY/Paternity in PA., 2/19/05, by sharwinston.