Post: Court in Am, attorney neglected case!!!
Posted by Scaredinva on 3/23/05
I don't know if anyone has any advice but I am going to court in the morning. I obtained an atty 4 months ago & at 1st hearing he asked for motion for discovery which was granted. He called me yesterday to see if I could round up witness's as he had not subpeoned anyone, he has not obtained any of the evidence he was supposed to either. When he took my case, he stated it would be hard, but not that hard. Now, I am due in court with no witness's or any proof of my case. I doubt the judge will allow it to be continued as opposing party has out of state witness's. I don't know which way to turn and cannot obtain another atty at this point as I scraped to get money for this lawyer. Without a doubt when I walk in the courtroom I will lose due to my attorney's neglect. He has'nt even turned in the discovery responses. Any advice???????
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Court in Am, attorney neglected case!!!, 3/23/05, by Scaredinva.
- Re: Court in Am, attorney neglected case!!!, 7/12/05, by rrr.
- Re: Court in Am, attorney neglected case!!!, 7/14/05, by No Name Necessary - paralegal.
- Re: Court in Am, attorney neglected case!!!, 9/12/05, by me me.