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    Re: Overbilling

    Posted by M'sta Mikey on 7/12/05

    On 7/12/05, mike leveque wrote:
    > She hired him on a contingency with the understanding he
    > would be going after the person who we felt responsable
    > for our childs death. Also since I did'nt hire him why do
    > I have to pay 50&37; of her bill?. He just went after money
    > that was there. He did not do anything outher than fill
    > out some paper work honestly I could have done. I have no
    > say in this matter?


    Please don't create a new post to a response of an existing
    one. Just hit the 'Post a Response' button and start typing.

    Also, please accept my condolences for the loss of your child.

    If you did pay half, why don't you have a say and who told
    you you didn't? Also, a contingency is just that; a
    percentage of the amount awarded. If his contingency was
    around 25 percent, that would account for his fee. If he
    would have billed time/labor, then you might be looking at a
    lot less, or considerately more, especially if any of this
    went to trial. In a trial, legal fees could have exceeded the
    award amount.

    imho: You pay half, you DO have a say and should exercise
    that right!!!

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Overbilling , 7/12/05, by mike leveque.
  • Re: Overbilling , 7/12/05, by M'sta Mikey.
  • Re: Overbilling , 5/03/06, by larry.

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