Post: putting a lein on a house from an unpaid promisorry note

Posted by Lynn on 8/20/05
my mom signed an informal promisorry note on white paper for a loan taken by her from her neice and her neice's girlfriend. It was a habdwritten note, noting formal or noterized. Her neice passed away and now her girlfriend who is executor of her will is telling my mom that her lawyer is going to put a lein against her home for note paying back this note. Can a lein be placed on the house and since her neice passed away, is this promisoory note still have to be paid? Thanks!
Posts on this thread, including this one
- putting a lein on a house from an unpaid promisorry note, 8/20/05, by Lynn.
- Re: putting a lein on a house from an unpaid promisorry note, 8/20/05, by 00.