Re: putting a lein on a house from an unpaid promisorry note
Posted by 00 on 8/20/05
This isn't a Legal Ethics question. You need to post this on the Legal Questions board. On 8/20/05, Lynn wrote: > my mom signed an informal promisorry note on white paper > for a loan taken by her from her neice and her neice's > girlfriend. It was a habdwritten note, noting formal or > noterized. Her neice passed away and now her girlfriend > who is executor of her will is telling my mom that her > lawyer is going to put a lein against her home for note > paying back this note. Can a lein be placed on the house > and since her neice passed away, is this promisoory note > still have to be paid? > Thanks!
Posts on this thread, including this one
- putting a lein on a house from an unpaid promisorry note, 8/20/05, by Lynn.
- Re: putting a lein on a house from an unpaid promisorry note, 8/20/05, by 00.