Post: Is this forgery? Is it considered illeagle entry?
Posted by Jill on 1/03/06
Hello, a question for anyone who has the time. While my sister was away, an aunt asked her if she could look in her appartment for a lost baby blanket. My sister and husband both decided it would be better to wait until they arrived homw to let the aunt in. The aunt, cousin, and friend went to manager with "signed" permission. The manager let them in to find a baby blanket, noticed they were rooting around in my sisters purse, and kicked them out. Uncle, husband of aunt, ret'd police officer, says no law was broken because nothing was taken that didn't belong to them, and they were merely looking for property they beleive sister to have taken. Say's they "found" stolen property and will file a report. Neither my sister nor her husband signed any papers agreeing to let them in or have their house searched, but aunt and uncle have many copies of their signatures. Is this considered forgery, or was it illeagle in any way? Also,how legal is it to file charges against someone using that as evidence? thank you confused student in Seattle.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Is this forgery? Is it considered illeagle entry?, 1/03/06, by Jill.