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    Re: James Burton @ the American Electric Power,

    Posted by Johnny Lequire on 7/04/12

    On 6/09/12, Johnny Lequire wrote:
    > On 1/28/09, Johnny Lequire wrote:
    >> I told in 1993 that AEP was doing under the table bussiness with the
    >> union president ken davis, and when I told ken davis's people to just do
    >> the job they were being paid for I was put off the property after
    >> working there for three years. Now you see how this under the table
    >> bussiness paid off THE Dam"s are in the news over letting people like
    >> ken davis get paid for things that was not done. I worked for AEP and I
    >> done the best job I could do at the lowest price and I was getting into
    >> ken Davis's money so I was the bad guy and ken davis was god. I told the
    >> truth about the extra work I done and this was proved in the depositions
    >> Steve Porter knows this. I have lived after losing my company because of
    >> ken davis and Steve Porter and dont leave out Mr James Burton who played
    >> a big part of His uncle ken getting all those contracts Mr Burton works
    >> for AEP as the one who awards contracts. I have give up on getting the
    >> 297.000.00 dollars owed me by aep and hold no hard feelings to no one.
    >> My father always told me what goes around comes around so Mitch
    >> Thomas,Steve Porter,James Burton, & ken davis I can only hope my father
    >> was right. also if aep doesn't like what I am telling you can find me at
    >> or call 606625-3284 or I live at 938 Pond Creek Rd
    >> Stone Ky I get my mail at po box 521 Belfry Ky 41514 sue me, beat me up,
    >> threaten my life. You said you didn't do things like this but you did
    >> you did all the things listed.The only thing you left out was having me
    >> killed and I have had several calls telling me this was going to happen
    >> but I will tell the truth until I die.
    >> On 1/14/09, Johnny Lequire wrote:
    >>>>>>> Mitch Thomas, Steve Porter, James Burton
    >>>>> On 2/26/06, Prairie Dawg wrote:
    >>>>>> I'm not Burton, and I'm glad you're not my client unless you pay
    >>>>>> by the hour up front.
    >>>>>> From a reading of the facts in the case, you have got a pretty
    >>>>>> steep mountain to climb and I do not think you are going to have
    >>>>>> any more success. You sat on your ass for far too long, and no
    >>>>>> amount of fancy lawyering can undo that.
    >>>>>> All I did was post an observation based on reading the court of
    >>>>>> appeals decision, and you go getting all salty with me? I'm not
    >>>>>> giving you a line to my house.
    >>>>>> I've got enough problems doing the work of people who pay me
    >>>>>> without taking guff from strangers.
    >>>>>> On 2/24/06, Johnny LeQuire wrote:
    >>>>>>> Prairie Dawg or Mr. Burton however you want to say it this is
    >>>>>>> being filed in Supreme Court as I type this can't wait to
    >>>>>>> hear from you again or better than that I'll see you in court.
    >>>>>>> On 2/08/06, Prairie Dawg wrote:
    >>>>>>>> Johnny, that court date may not be in this life.
    >>>>>>>> On Jan. 6 of '06 the court of appeals sustained Ky Power's
    >>>>>>>> motion to dismiss with prejudice which means it can't be
    >>>>>>>> filed again.
    >>>>>>>> On 2/08/06, Johnny LeQuire wrote:
    >>>>>>>>> How in the name of god can a power company hold the power
    >>>>>>>>> to control the court system, I was cheated out of my
    >>>>>>>>> company in 1993 by American Electric Power and I am
    >>>>>>>>> waiting for a court date as of today, I have an attorney
    >>>>>>>>> that is doing it by the law to get a court date how ever
    >>>>>>>>> AEP is not being fair by not wanting to be shown the truth
    >>>>>>>>> about this case. Just push the little man down and go on
    >>>>>>>>> is the way AEP works. I'll see you in court or I'll see
    >>>>>>>>> you in hell.Date 05/09/2012 I would like Steve Porter to ask him
    > self if he was had a good life and does he ever think about what he helped
    > do to my life after his part of the money owed me was dismissed ? My name
    > Johnny Lequire and I owned Eastern Crane Inc untill I went to work for
    > American Electric Power, Thanks Steve
    July 4,2012 American Electric has never paid Johnny Lequire as of today.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • American Electric Power cheated Eastern Crane Inc, 2/08/06, by Johnny LeQuire.
  • Re: American Electric Power cheated Eastern Crane Inc, 2/08/06, by Prairie Dawg.
  • Re: American Electric Power cheated Eastern Crane Inc, 2/24/06, by Johnny LeQuire.
  • Re: American Electric Power cheated Eastern Crane Inc, 2/24/06, by Johnny LeQuire.
  • Re: American Electric Power cheated Eastern Crane Inc, 2/24/06, by Curmudgeon.
  • Re: American Electric Power cheated Eastern Crane Inc, 2/26/06, by Prairie Dawg.
  • Re: American Electric Power cheated Eastern Crane Inc, 2/28/06, by Johnny LeQuire.
  • Re: American Electric Power Johnny, 2/28/06, by Prairie Dawg.
  • Re: American Electric Power Johnny, 1/14/09, by Johnny Lequire.
  • Re: American Electric Power cheated Eastern Crane Inc, 1/28/09, by Johnny Lequire.
  • Re: American Electric Power cheated Eastern Crane Inc, 5/09/12, by Johnny Lequire.
  • Re: American Electric Power cheated Eastern Crane Inc, 7/04/12, by Johnny Lequire.
  • Re: James Burton @ the American Electric Power, , 7/04/12, by Johnny Lequire.

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