Post: Divorce and an overbilling lawyer
Posted by Foreman on 9/22/06
I have a brother-in-law that is in the process of getting a divorce, he went to court got a judgement from the court on what he was to pay and how. His lawyer said that all he (the lawyer) had to do was file the paperwork with the court and it is done. Two months later, I am fairly sure that the paperwork has not been filed and the lawyer has billed again for talking with my brother-in-laws wife. (she fired her lawyer and I guess she is trying to represent herself.) Is this ethical to generate billing this way? If my brother-in-law calls the lawyer and asks why the paper work has not been filed is that another billable question? Does my brother-in-law have any rights. I think the lawyer is billing excessively to generate fees. Any thoughts?
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Divorce and an overbilling lawyer, 9/22/06, by Foreman.