Post: Professional or Personal Problem
Posted by Andreafski on 12/20/06
I actually have a few questions. I live in a town of 500 and everyone knows each other. Our Board and staff of 12 recently went to a conference for a week. During the conference a few board members and staff were heard to be fooling around after work hours. With the next day one of them showed up looking like she just rolled out of bed and reeked like alcohol. We got back home from people were taking about our organization. I feel that me working at this organization is putting my personal reputation in the garbage. I would like to confront our supervisor on the situation, but I don't want to "stir the pot" because I also feel it was personal choices of my co-workers and it is not my responsibility to act on it. My second question: During that week there were no shows to the conference. Board members received $150 a day plus per diem. Staff were logged with 8 hrs a day plus per diem. Travel Policies state that we attend everyday and basically to show up not intoxicated during business travel. During the monthly meeting the two situations were not addressed after hearing many complaints from staff and Board Members during the week of the conference. There was no directive from the Board or my supervisor to have money reimbursed for board and staff not attending the conference. Should I be the stir the pot more?
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Professional or Personal Problem, 12/20/06, by Andreafski.
- Re: Professional or Personal Problem, 12/31/06, by cj.