Post: Death bed request
Posted by Sally on 1/20/07
My brother finds out in the hospital he doesn't just have cancer, he is dieing of cancer and decides not to go home and let his kids watch him struggle to the end. He calls a lawyer, a friend to write up a trust, will, quit claim per his instructions. He doesn’t have much, a small savings, life insurance policy and one bill. His car. The lawyer shows up the next day with the paper work, two copies incase my brother screws one up. I watch him sign papers, as well as his young daughter and ex-sister-in- law. No big deal, but he goes in a coma that night. I know sounds like a soap opera, but anyway. Three weeks after his death his lawyer and new spouse say that the papers were blank. What I saw wasn’t blank. What is he talking about? Oh it has been a while back, but I am wondering tonight, is it legal for a lawyer to have someone sign blank papers in the first place? What part is he saying is blank, I don’t know, but is that ethical for a lawyer to do.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Death bed request, 1/20/07, by Sally.