Re: Driver Responsibility Assessment
Posted by hazlewood on 3/04/09
On 7/21/08, shuestis wrote:
> I am interested in the same. I am starting a petition to
> repeal this insane article of the NYS V & T law [sections
> 1199 and 503(4)]. I will post again with a link to the web
> site when it is up and running.
hi, as a single mom trying her best in this world to do right
by my family and community, this so called assessment hurts. i
am just trying to make a dollar out of 15 cents. i really feel
like i am being scammed.i spent an hour reading and re-reading
the assesment trying to comprehend the charges.For me this has
to come from my rent money.i will sign any petition that would
support a change. 3 years of paying this! what am i? a drug
dealer, a rapist, a murderer? there were no weapons in my car,
this was not a hit and run. thank you for allowing me to vent