Re: Driver Responsibility Assessment
Posted by Falcon on 4/02/09
I was also caught by this ridiculous law and refuse to pay the fee for
this driver assessment. This was not only my first offense ever (I am
an out of state driver (Massachusetts) with a still clean drivers
license (no points on my license from an out of state violation)) but
happened in small town when it was dark out and where the speed limit
is very poorly posted (what does a speed zone mean to an out of state
driver?) So the fee is so I don't offend again? Well, I'm not going to
driving in the state ever again so they cant force me to pay the 300
dollars without having informed me of anything previously. I would be
more then willing to take part in anything targeted at shutting down
this law.
On 3/22/09, Simi72 wrote:
> I too am from out of state and feel that this is extortion. I
> would be more than happy to get involved with fighting this.
> Especially with times as they are I know that I can't afford to
> pay $550 for a license I dont even have (meaning my NY
> license..I'm from georgia though...)