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    Re: How much should I trust my attorney?

    Posted by James on 12/17/08

    On 11/15/08, Bianca wrote:
    > My question is/are, what kind of communication should an
    > attorney maintain with their clients in regards to the
    > case? Should i expect my attorney to foward any
    > communication sustain with the other part or do i need to
    > request what i need to know? How do I know my attorney is
    > doing what it's expected to be doing?

    Your attorney should certainly keep you posted, but depending
    on the size and type of firm it might be unfair to expect them
    to forward everything to you as it happens.

    The complete answer would depend more specifically on the type
    of case. Is this a divorce proceeding? A criminal or
    administrative appeal? Are you suing a company or individual?
    Are you the plaintiff or defendant? All of these things make
    a big difference in what is expected and reasonable.

    Sometimes communications in legal matters can take a long
    time, just due to backlogs. It's not uncommon for government
    agencies to take several YEARS to respond to a letter; doctors
    and hospitals often take months to respond, and even the law
    office I work with can frequently go months between letters or
    client contacts on a file. It's not that we don't care or
    aren't working- there are just too many clients versus
    employees, and if we handled everything within, say, a week,
    we'd spend 6 months out of the year sitting around the office
    doing nothing- so we take on more clients to fill the time,
    and our worklog eventually catches up to the other side's

    That all being said, your attorney should notify you whenever
    a hearing is scheduled, whenever a decision is rendered, and
    usually, but not necessarily, when a settlement is proposed.
    They should also inform you of significant changes to the
    case, including major problems with evidence, if they feel you
    should seek a different settlement, etc. Finally, they
    absolutely should respond in a timely manner when you attempt
    to contact them, and conversely, you are obligated to be
    reachable by them.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • How much should I trust my attorney?, 11/15/08, by Bianca.
  • Re: How much should I trust my attorney?, 12/17/08, by James.

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