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    Post: Detachment

    Posted by Evelyn Tyson. Woodson on 12/14/08

    Most of the expereinces of unwanted , outcomes is solved
    from the essence of us.The systems of this world, is
    designed to force us to realise , the answers for the
    outcomes we desire is ours to create, The. I also
    expereinced things that you my family , have
    expereinced.But I overcome it by spiritual clensing of my
    own self and removing the attachments to things and
    peole who operate in circles of energy fields that is not
    in alignment wiht my highest good. I can counsel any
    person and reveal to you, the ways to detach from those
    who we disagree with, that will reverse the situtions. I
    saw Lawyers drop dead , I saw Judges Die in thier prime I
    saw many of them removed from the bench. I saw Prosecutors
    Blow thir brains out. With a Gun' It's called the Law of
    attraction. I removed my self from unhealthy collective
    Mind set, I have lived in Turkey since 2005 , when I come
    home to visit my son who had Brain Surgery. The same old
    game is being played now in a diferent way . I was forced
    to go for a mental Evalution On may 3 this year based on
    false and misleading outright lies and the Judge who
    signed the Order is in violation of the Law there is a
    conflict of intrest, But the Universal Law is far grater
    than the egocentric frarful selected people who are proped
    up behind Blsck Garments and Netwroks of uniformity, The
    law of of attraction will send back to them all that
    they create.I send Love to all and Light. When we apply
    Uncondtional Love to our fellow humanbeings it cganges
    the unwanted behaviors we dont like and it elevates us to
    a higher vibration and the entire Wrold of Man is better

    The Soul connection

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Detachment, 12/14/08, by Evelyn Tyson. Woodson.

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