Post: OOP out of Spite 1 week before Christmas

Posted by Julie Kopielski on 12/02/11
I have been trying to get through this out of Kane County Judge Pilmer. My Ex husband took an OOP out on me his current wife has family in the Sheriff Dept. So it was all ok. After the Holidays It turned out I was not a threat, Yet Judge Pilmer put on a OOP for 2013 + the reg one for 2012 Also added to the record I was not in court on January 6, 2011. I wrote Motions to clear this up and was denied. My 2 yr IDES is exhausted I have been Denied or not called for Jobs in 2yrs since my previous employer outsourced to India. There is a Conflict of Interest as well as Ethics. I did nothing wrong and this man owes 40K to me? I did not yell or haunt him. I have no Holidays in 3yrs w/ my kids after he bribed DCFS when he took out a 38K equity line of credit against my house 5 months after our divorce in 2005 causing a Foreclosure. Still Judge Pilmer Does not see the Light! I cannot talk to my daughter for 2 weeks my sons steal 7K diamond rings DVDs etc... Most importantly I need a job!
Posts on this thread, including this one
- OOP out of Spite 1 week before Christmas, 12/02/11, by Julie Kopielski.