Post: Steve Porter @ AEP

Posted by Johnny Lequire on 7/04/12
Steve Porter deposition clearly tells that Eastern Crane did extra work caused by a bad call from Steve Porter, I was ask by Mr Porter not to tell AEP of his bad call on building the dam in the fly ash pond, Mr Lequire never told this on Mr Porter untill the depositions. money for clean up on this ash was taken from the B-8511 contract and in the B-8511 contract was for dreging of the fly ash ponds and did not require the equipment used in Mr Porters ash clean up.Porter tells Johnny Lequire was paid for the clean up he dont tell that Eastern Crane was shorted because of the amount of the contract did not cover the ash removal and the Porter dam mistake. Depositions can be read @ the louisa Ky court house American Electric Power vs Eastern Crane Inc. Read the B-8511 contract then read the deposition of Steve Porter.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Steve Porter @ AEP , 7/04/12, by Johnny Lequire.