Post: my grandson is being mentaly abused

Posted by Cheryl Drumheller on 1/22/10
My son is divorced and his ex-wife and him have joint custody. My ex-daughter in law is a sociopath in the UMPH degree. She took my once happy go lucky son and made him an angry person. My grandaughter wants to live full time with her mother and my grandson wants to live with his dad. Brenda only wants the kids so she can have child support. She says she wants what the kids want but when Cody told her that he wanted to live with his dad she went crazy and told him that he "Cody" was worthless and a no good bum (he's only 14 yrs old) she said that she would make his life miserable if he wants to live with his dad. I know for a fact that she threatens the kids all of the time! Calls them names etc. When they are with her and they see us they are not allowed to come and talk to us and if they do she is giving them the evil eye and I am sure they get what for when they get home. My son loves his children above all else and he truley wants whatever they want. He asked Triata if she wanted to live more with her mom and she said that she did. He told her that was fine and she could come any time she wanted to his house. Why doesn't their mother be as fair? What can we do to help Cody out. He is becoming very angry. Cheryl Drumheller
Posts on this thread, including this one
- my grandson is being mentaly abused, 1/22/10, by Cheryl Drumheller.