Post: 17 year old moving out of state without parent consent?

Posted by Amy on 3/12/07
Hi! My sister is 17 and lives in Washington state. Our mother kicked her out of the house 3 months ago and she has been bouncing around from friend to friend's homes. I live in Arizona and would like for her to come and live with myself, my husband, and 2 kids. My sister wants to come, but we know that our mom would throw a fit and try to prevent her from coming. Is there anything our mom could do once my sister was in my care, or is my sister old enough to make her own decision on where she wants to be? Thanks in advance for your reponses!
Posts on this thread, including this one
- 17 year old moving out of state without parent consent?, 3/12/07, by Amy.
- Re: 17 year old moving out of state without parent consent?, 3/13/07, by sharwinston.