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    Re: dna testing

    Posted by Fanua SP. (SCUPS-Student) on 3/26/07

    Dear Lavonne,

    It is depend on your state law, however, under the common
    law, there was a presumption that a child born to a marriage
    was a child of the husband. This presumption could only be
    overcome by a showing of sterility, impotency, or that the
    husband had no access to his wife at the time of
    conception. In California, the presumption can be
    challenged by a presumptive father or child for any reason
    as long as it is raised within two years of the child’s
    birth. In the same period, the mother can challenge it only
    if the biological father has filled a written declaration
    acknowledging paternity. In either case, blood testing is
    used to resolve the paternity dispute. Once the two year
    period has elapsed, however, the presumption is conclusive,
    unless the common law grounds can be established.


    On 3/25/07, lavonne wrote:
    > I was married to my child's father once child was born
    > father acknowledge child was his and signed paternity
    > affidavit at the hospital and name now appears on child's
    > birth certificate. Child is now 5 years old can now ex-
    > husband challenge paternity.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • dna testing, 3/25/07, by lavonne.
  • Re: dna testing, 3/26/07, by Fanua SP. (SCUPS-Student).

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