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    Re: Court Orders - Void?

    Posted by Stephanie on 3/28/07

    Thanks Carol. The case is even more complicated than what I
    wrote here though. The Mother is actually deployed to Iraq and
    left the child with the Grandparents instead of the Father.
    The Father finally found her and now he is being denied by
    everyone the right to even see her. The child is in a
    different state than the court orders, he has no physical
    address for the Mother (b/c she's overseas), and the
    Grandparents have convinced all local officials that they have
    no idea who this guy is. He has taken all legal routes
    required to enforce the court orders and is still being denied
    visitation. We are at a complete loss as to how to get his
    orders enforced.

    On 3/27/07, Carol wrote:
    > On 3/27/07, Stephanie wrote:
    >> Here's the case - we have court orders from KY where the
    >> Father has "joint" custody & Mother has "physical primary"
    >> custody with alternating holidays and so on. In the last
    >> part of the orders it specifically says that if the Mother
    >> moves the child to a new state she is to notify the father
    >> and then submit a motion to KY court to move the case to
    >> the new state. So my question is - If she did not follow
    >> through with submitting a motion to KY and moving the case
    >> to the new state - are the KY orders now void for the
    >> Mother (as far as primary physical custody)? The case is
    >> much more complex than this, but I happen to be reading
    >> over KY orders and thought I would see if that would hold
    >> any water in the Fathers persuit to even be able to see
    >> his child. If anyone knows, please respond as soon as
    >> possible. Thanks!!!
    > States have what's called "full faith and credit" where they
    > honor court rulings from other states. otherwise everytime
    > one moved out of state, they'd have to get divorced again.
    > or married. or whatever. so the state mom's moved to would
    > most likely honor the custody order from KY. However,
    > finding her and then finding an attorney to take the case
    > may be more difficult than getting the court to go along
    > with the arrangement. if the state she's in does not have
    > shared parenting for example, they won't be able to do it.
    > hopefully it's a border state and the jurisdiction is used
    > to this kind of moving across the river type of arrangement.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Court Orders - Void?, 3/27/07, by Stephanie.
  • Re: Court Orders - Void?, 3/27/07, by sharwinston.
  • Re: Court Orders - Void?, 3/27/07, by Stephanie.
  • Re: Court Orders - Void?, 3/27/07, by Carol.
  • Re: Court Orders - Void?, 3/28/07, by Stephanie.

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