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    Re: Crazy ex wife using ex's last name...

    Posted by Christine on 6/12/07

    On 6/05/07, Dana Neal wrote:
    > I can relate to your situation. I have a new husband of two
    > months and he has two wonderful kids...ages 15 and 12. The
    > four of us get along great and aside from normal teenage
    > stuff, are one big happy family! His ex on the other hand
    > reminds us of Mr. Potter from the movie It' a Wonderful Life.
    > She is narcissistic and truly thinks the world revolves around
    > her. She will call and yell at the most stupid things that
    > have nothing to do with us. I feel pity for her because she
    > is a sad person. I think that she is miserable and tries to
    > take it out on anyone who will listen. Her kids think that
    > she is crazy and even say that. We have them half the time
    > and would love to have them full time. We try to build them
    > up and care for them when we have them and spend the first day
    > or two de-programming her lack of parenting. She doesn't
    > realize that she is just shooting herself in the foot by her
    > actions. We do the right thing and never say anything bad
    > about her in front of the kids. They vent sometimes, but we
    > know they will appreciate us more if we remain silent. We do
    > this for the kids. I keep thinking, in 6 years they will be
    > in college and we will not have to talk to her much then...she
    > will be a sad, lonely, miserable old lady because of how she
    > acts! If there are others in my boat...get the book "The
    > Single Girls Guide to Marrying a Man, his Kids and his
    > Ex" is so funny and helpful in dealing with crazy ex's!!
    > Good luck to you all! We can do it!
    > On 5/02/07, shar denison wrote:
    >> I read this and kept shaking my head YES. I totally feel
    >> for you. I have one son and my new husband has 2 kids, a 9
    >> and a 12 year old. When they are with us they are totally
    >> fine. but if she is around they totally hate me and think
    >> that I'm to blame for their moms unhappiness. When we go to
    >> watch the kids at their activities she won't allow the kids
    >> to say hi to us or even make eye contact. His daughter's
    >> friend came and talked to us one time and when she went back
    >> over to the ex-wife she called her 12 year old friend a
    >> traitor. the kids will not talk to me if their mom is
    >> there. It breaks my heart because I love them so much. She
    >> has sent me numerous text and called saying profanity and
    >> cruel things. It's so hard for me to deal with as an
    >> adult...I feel so bad for those poor kids. they have to
    >> change their entire personalities when she's not around. My
    >> husband and i do everything for the kids and have them a lot
    >> he pays her $2,500 a month in alimony and child support (we
    >> are fine paying the $1000 of child support). He didn't get
    >> a lawyer because he just couldn't handle fighting with her
    >> any more. which wasn't smart. He ended up with all the
    >> debt, paying off her car plus, the monthly fee. PLUS they
    >> were only married 2 years and she put 10 in the papers.
    >> they were married before and got divorced, then after a year
    >> remarried only for 2 years. His bad for not looking.
    >> Anyway, my son is doing so well. I know it's because my ex
    >> and I are civil and talk to each other at games etc. it
    >> makes such a HUGE difference when the other parent is
    >> supportive. I wish you luck. I just take it a day at a
    >> time.
    >> On 4/11/07, Jay wrote:
    >>> What is the law on forcing an ex wife to legally change
    >>> her name back to her own? I am about to marry my fiancé
    >>> and his ex wife has nothing better to do than CAPITALIZE
    >>> her last name in all documents that come to me so I am
    >>> forced to view it as her last name, not mine. And though
    >>> I should ignore it, she gives the last name…well… a bad
    >>> name! It is not a very common last name so many people in
    >>> town associate her poor behavior with me and/or my fiancé
    >>> and it is quite embarrassing. Not to mention the rest of
    >>> my fiancé’s family that hates her using their name, and
    >>> using that last name with her oldest son (whom is not
    >>> biologically my fiancé’s son and has nothing to do with
    >>> us). What is the law on forcing someone to change their
    >>> last name back for the sake of everyone else’s face (as
    >>> she puts us to shame…!!!)?
    >>> And no, I’m not a crazy person spitting out negativity
    >>> about my fiancé’s ex wife. She truly is a textbook, crazy
    >>> ex wife that has: stalked us, shouted profanities at us in
    >>> public, put the children in the middle and has verbally
    >>> abused her children into disliking me, for her own
    >>> gratification and selfish reasons.
    >>> Also, when confronted with such a case, what are the
    >>> chances that a Father is given custody? I know it is hard
    >>> to prove but what does it take besides guts?

    I have been dealing with a nutty ex wife for at least 3 years
    now. My husbands ex wife has literally stolen money from him
    (by having their income tax routed to an account without his
    permission) has stolen the numbers off the bottom of his mothers
    checks and paid some of her bills with it, has used their child
    by threatening to move away with him if anyone does anything
    about it, has done quite a few criminal acts along this line.
    Since he and I met, she has said some really horrible things
    about me, accused me (to my peers)of being on drugs - and I work
    in the medical field, and several other really crappy things.
    She does this because I confront her when a situation comes up.
    No one else, including my husband, really addresses the issues.
    Mainly because they are afraid that she will try to keep the
    child away. Now, because I insisted he get an attorney, we have
    his son 7 and 7. She hates me and she tells the child that I
    have threatened to beat her up or kill her. I have never said
    anything like that to her, although I dont have good thoughts
    about her. I would never do anything to hurt that child. I
    just need advice on what to do because there is no reasoning
    with her. I really think she is nuts, but she recently locked
    on to a wealthy (but ignorant) victim, who works offshore and is
    rarely home. I can prove she cheats on him while he is offshore
    but I dont want the child to have to go through all kinds of
    drama if that comes to light. But I must say, my patience and
    tolerance is running thin. I need some advice!!!!

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Crazy ex wife using ex's last name..., 4/11/07, by Jay.
  • Re: Crazy ex wife using ex's last name..., 4/11/07, by sharwinston.
  • Re: Crazy ex wife using ex's last name..., 5/02/07, by shar denison.
  • Re: Crazy ex wife using ex's last name..., 6/05/07, by Dana Neal.
  • Re: Crazy ex wife using ex's last name..., 6/12/07, by Christine.
  • Re: Crazy ex wife using ex's last name..., 6/12/07, by sharwinston.
  • Re: Crazy ex wife using ex's last name..., 6/08/09, by biomom.
  • Re: Crazy ex wife using ex's last name..., 9/06/09, by Sane Wife.

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