Post: Divorce
Posted by Nora McGuire on 5/08/07
I have been married for 3 years to the father of my 24 year old son. He is schizophrenic and bipolar with a history of hospitalizations, arrests, homelessness, etc. We both have Hepatitis C and he continues to pick garbage pails in the neighborhood and bring it into the house. He also has gone back to smoking crack. I cannot be treated for my Hep C because the process will hamper my working. I am a legal assistant and supplement an ill mother and a 101 year old grandmother. His family is very wealthy and they recently changed his trust fund over to a Special Needs Trust so that I cannot get to it. His father filed his income taxes from his stocks in Florida for over 20 years. This is FRAUD. I feel I need to report his father to the IRS and demand copies of his income tax statements. With all past hospitalizations, his parents or his rich sisters never came to NY to help me with him. I worked very hard for many years to get him off the streets. He is refusing to continue to pay the rent now and my son and I will have nowhere to live. I want a divorce and need money to settle myself and have my son finish his last year of college. I am very sick, had 2 previous heart attacks, have respiratory illness and need to be treated for my Hep C as soon as possible. Don't I have the right to money through financial disclosure. I do not have a penny to pay for a lawyer. I am told in order to get a pro bono atty, I need to be referred by a non-profit organization. Where can I find such an organization? I feel I need to press charges for endangering my life with disease-ridden garbage he is bringing into the house and smoking crack in the house, along with divorcing him. He is a danger to my life now. My doctors said I need to get away from him immediately but do not have the money. Aren't I entitled to money that he earned since we are married?
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Divorce, 5/08/07, by Nora McGuire.