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    Re: 17 yr. old daughter moving out

    Posted by sharwinston on 5/25/07

    The age of majority in SC is: 18.

    You are legally responsible for her until she attains majority
    or is emancipated by court order or operatin of law (i.e.
    You can not stop her from moving out.

    If she is a minor living out of your home without consent,
    your state may have laws making her a runaway, incorrigible,
    etc. You should inform her that your state may have laws that
    any adult with whom she is found could be arrested and
    prosecuted for harboring a runaway, contributing to the
    delinquency of a minor, etc. and that she has choices and
    should choose very, very wisely.

    On 5/25/07, Robin wrote:
    > My daughter has informed me that she will move out without
    > my consent in 3 weeks when she turns 17. We live in SC. Can
    > she do this legally? I'm I still responsible for her if it
    > is legal? Help!

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • 17 yr. old daughter moving out, 5/25/07, by Robin.
  • Re: 17 yr. old daughter moving out, 5/25/07, by sharwinston.
  • Re: 17 yr. old daughter moving out, 5/25/07, by Robin.

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