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    Re: denying visitation (to sharwinston)

    Posted by sharwinston on 5/31/07

    None of your post changes the fact that there is an existing court order
    that grants biomom visitation. And, absent ***bona fide*** health/safety
    issues, biodad has no right to arbitrarily decide to withhold visitation.
    If biodad wants the child to have no visitation with biodad, he MUST have
    the court order modified. She could file contempt charges right now
    against biodad. There are two sides to every story. It is unwise,
    indeed, to predict what a judge will do. No one has a crystal ball that
    predicts a court's rulings. Some people, like your husband, find that out
    the hard way.

    fyi: Many, many parents who have absued their children still get
    visitation, sometimes unsupervised, sometimes supervised. But it always
    is up to the court to make that decision. That court has decided.

    Generally, step-parents have no rights whatsoever in issues such as the
    one you have presented. And, since two attorneys have already told your
    husband what his rights are in this situation, he is free to make his
    choices regarding an existing court order.

    Since it appears you want nothing more than a debate, I have nothing more
    to offer and will leave it up to other responders (if any) to engage you.

    On 5/30/07, V wrote:
    > I sought advice BEFORE he talked to the attorneys. The biomom was
    > granted visitation SIX years ago, the abuse happened two years ago. It
    > happened in another state, so he could not modify the court order
    > during that time. The biomom has not seen the child in OVER a year.
    > One of the attorneys advised him that the biomom could see about
    > getting him for contempt, but after the judge sees the documents from
    > the abuse, she would not have a leg to stand on. And she could also be
    > held in contempt for not keeping her visitation regularly. Well, I may
    > not have a dog in the fight, but I sure am the one who is raising this
    > kid, and he has chosen to call me mommy. I may be just a stepmom, but
    > I have taught him more than his biomom has, and have got to enjoy his
    > achievements! She barely got any time with her son, and when she did
    > she abused him.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • denying visitation, 5/25/07, by Vivian.
  • Re: denying visitation, 5/26/07, by sharwinston.
  • Re: denying visitation , 5/26/07, by Vivian.
  • Re: denying visitation , 5/27/07, by sharwinston.
  • Re: denying visitation (to sharwinston), 5/30/07, by V.
  • Re: denying visitation (to sharwinston), 5/30/07, by sharwinston.
  • Re: denying visitation (to sharwinston), 5/30/07, by V.
  • Re: denying visitation (to sharwinston), 5/31/07, by sharwinston.

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