Re: unwed mothers rights vs. fathers
Posted by barb urban on 7/06/10
i have the same issue kinda i want to know if my daughter has
to put father on birth certificate? there not doing good at
times and he does not treat her right or provide the way he
needs to. plus he has threatened before to take the baby away
from her before. can anyone help me please? thank you mrs.
On 5/31/07, sharwinston wrote:
> There can be no "sign off" until there has first been a right
> that can be signed off. In other words, until paternity is
> established by a court with jurisdiction, there is nothing to
> sign off. And, any agreement that alleged biodad might sign
> is void on public policy grounds. Only a court can terminate
> a biodad's rights, and only after the paternity has first
> established.
> Biomom has all rights when the child is born and biodad has
> none until he first establishes those rights. If biodad
> establishes paternity, he will be granted visitation and/or
> partial custody, unless there are health/saftey issues for
> which a court would order no visitation/custody. That is
> rarely the case.
> In other words, you, grandpa-to-be and biomom can not keep
> biodad from the child if he estalbishes paternity and there
> a court order granting him visitaiton/partial custody.
> On 5/31/07, Kathy wrote:
>> My daughter is expecting a baby June 10, 2007. She is
>> living in Georgia but the father/x-boyfriend/sperm donor is
>> living in Florida where the baby was conceved. My husband
>> wants him to sign off to his rights to this baby. He has
>> shown very little interest in having this child (he already
>> has two other children - sons, out of wedlock with another
>> woman and has not been a provider for them on a consistant
>> basis. I have read about the Putative Father Registry, but
>> would like to know what rights the mother has also?
>> I just want to protect my daughter and soon to be grand
>> daughter.
>> Please direct me to whatever information is available so
>> that she and the baby will be protected.