Post: Changing my son's last name?
Posted by Dawn on 6/09/07
Okay here is my situation: My son is 5 years old. His father was around for the first 2 1/2 years then we split up. My son's last name is hyphynated. My last name then his father's last name. After we slipt up he didn't have very much to do with my son due to the new girl he is with. Last May he started talking about wanting to sign over his rights because he was tired of not being able to see his son. The thing is, I never told him he couldn't see his son. I just wanted 24 hours notice. That wasn't good enough. He wanted to be able to call me when he was around the cornor from my house and tell me to bring his son outside she he could see him for 10 mins. So, June of last year he gave up all of his custody. He pays no child support, has no visitation, and no custody. Now I want to take off his father's last name because I don't feel that he should have to walk around with the last name of a guy that he doesn't have anything to do with or even know for that matter. My son has only one memory of his father and that is when he spit in my face. That is the ONLY thing my son remembers about him. We live in Virginia and my question is this, do I have to get his permission to change my son's last name? I have heard that since he still has rights that I will have to have his permission but then other people have told me that since he has no custody I won't have to have his permission. ANy advice would be helpful. Thanks!
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Changing my son's last name?, 6/09/07, by Dawn.
- Re: Changing my son's last name?, 6/11/07, by sharwinston.
- Re: Changing my son's last name?, 6/12/07, by Dawn.
- Re: Changing my son's last name?, 6/12/07, by sharwinston.
- Re: Changing my son's last name?, 6/12/07, by Dawn.
- Re: Changing my son's last name?, 6/12/07, by sharwinston.
- Re: Changing my son's last name?, 6/13/07, by V.
- Re: Changing my son's last name?, 6/13/07, by Dawn.
- Re: Changing my son's last name?, 6/22/07, by M'sta Mikey.
- Re: Changing my son's last name?, 6/22/07, by V.
- Re: Changing my son's last name?, 6/24/07, by v.
- Re: Changing my son's last name?, 6/24/07, by V.
- Re: Changing my son's last name?, 6/24/07, by freeda.
- Re: Changing my son's last name?, 6/25/07, by M'sta Mikey.
- Re: Changing my son's last name? Big "V", 6/25/07, by M'sta Mikey.
- Re: Changing my son's last name?, 6/25/07, by V.
- Re: Changing my son's last name? Big "V", 6/25/07, by V.
- Re: Changing my son's last name?, 8/20/07, by AM.