Re: Changing my son's last name?
Posted by Dawn on 6/13/07
Thank you very much! I figured it was just someone who liked drama so
they sat rude stuff to other people just to get a response. When I get
the chance, I am just going to go down to the courts and see what all
they say and then go from there. Thanks again! :)
On 6/13/07, V wrote:
> Hey Dawn, here is the only advice I can give you. Pay no attention to
> what sharwinston posts! I have found three posts(including mine) that
> she has responded with WRONG answers. I think she just has too much
> time on her hands. Keep your head up, and I am sure someone will give
> you the right answer. I wish she would SOB(scroll on by), when she
> can't give someone USEFUL information.