Re: Changing my son's last name?
Posted by AM on 8/20/07
I am not a lawyer but I did have my son's name changed when he was young. Here is my understanding (some of it from my experience). Laws probably vary state to state so you really should find out. A parent CAN give up their rights BUT it has to proven to the judge that is is in the best interest of the child. Not the parents. By severing rights the child is losing leagal interests in future inheiritances etc. If Dad doesn't want to be bothered anymore you can just ask him to give his written authority to have the name changed. Some men have a control issue with names even though they don't supply much else. You can also use any name you want as long as it isn't done to defraud. You need to list both names with the SSN. The problem there may be with school records as time goes on. You could have all the permanent school records in his legal name and just use the name you want for everyday purposes. The child can change it he chooses when he is of age. Best to just talk to a lawyer. Some have very reasonable 30 minute consult fees and you could find out in 30 minutes what you need to know. Just a funny side story. I was talking to my son and told him I was seriously looking into changing his name and asked how he would feel about that. He got excited and said YES, I'll be Jack who are you going to be? Sometimes you just have to be very clear when asking a child a question!LOL
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Changing my son's last name?, 6/09/07, by Dawn.
- Re: Changing my son's last name?, 6/11/07, by sharwinston.
- Re: Changing my son's last name?, 6/12/07, by Dawn.
- Re: Changing my son's last name?, 6/12/07, by sharwinston.
- Re: Changing my son's last name?, 6/12/07, by Dawn.
- Re: Changing my son's last name?, 6/12/07, by sharwinston.
- Re: Changing my son's last name?, 6/13/07, by V.
- Re: Changing my son's last name?, 6/13/07, by Dawn.
- Re: Changing my son's last name?, 6/22/07, by M'sta Mikey.
- Re: Changing my son's last name?, 6/22/07, by V.
- Re: Changing my son's last name?, 6/24/07, by v.
- Re: Changing my son's last name?, 6/24/07, by V.
- Re: Changing my son's last name?, 6/24/07, by freeda.
- Re: Changing my son's last name?, 6/25/07, by M'sta Mikey.
- Re: Changing my son's last name? Big "V", 6/25/07, by M'sta Mikey.
- Re: Changing my son's last name?, 6/25/07, by V.
- Re: Changing my son's last name? Big "V", 6/25/07, by V.
- Re: Changing my son's last name?, 8/20/07, by AM.