Post: Disability Policy/ Cost of living increases
Posted by DJ Manfredi on 6/12/07
If a company buys an policy for employees in 1989 that says it will give disability insurance to the employee at a rate of 3500 per month or 60% of total salary whichever is more and that company gives a percentage for standard of living increases- Is that company not liable to pay an employee that goes out on disability in 2007 a significant amount more than the original policy stated in 1989 when it was instated as part of the contract for all the employees? Meaning the living standard has grossly changed over the past 18 years and they have given that first person many cost of living increases - should that not be across the board for anyone that is elgible for such a policy at future dates?
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Disability Policy/ Cost of living increases, 6/12/07, by DJ Manfredi.