Re: modification for custody
Posted by M'sta Mikey on 7/26/07
On 7/25/07, ms. mary wrote:
> my ex has primary of my 2 girls, but they have lived with
> me now for 3 yrs. my ex signs and sends back my support
> but doesn't pay anything of of his pocket to help out for
> the 3 yrs. we live in florida. we are going to mediation
> soon and he wants me to agree on $20.00 a week. won't the
> court decide what he pays in florida? if we agree will it
> stand in court?
Your decree is what drives support, visistation, custody
issues, etc. If you have consented to the deviated from the
original order and sign an agreement with your ex, it could
be binding.
Don't agree to anything until the mediator hears your case
and issues an opinion.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- modification for custody, 7/25/07, by ms. mary.
- Re: modification for custody, 7/26/07, by M'sta Mikey.