Re: guardianship of a child that is not related to you
Posted by sharwinston on 8/05/07
You can file a petition for temporary or permanent legal
guardianship. Where only emotional abuse is alleged, it
will be tough but not impossible, and particularly so, for a
Some alcoholic parents are able to parent their children.
Be careful to jump to conclusions on the word of a 15-year-
old girl who well, just, wants what she wants.
If there is genuieen emotional abuse, why have you not
called CPS? If you did and CPS found no abuse, you can
forget any guardianship where you are a non-relative.
foi: What is your relationship to this child? And, should
you get legal guardianship, I predict that once she becomes
tired of YOUR rules/structure, YOU will be the one being
accused of emotional abuse.
On 8/04/07, Louise wrote:
> I am from NH and am wondering if it is possible for a
> person to fight for guardianship against the father of a
> 15 year old girl when there is no sign of physical or
> sexual abuse? The daughter does not want to be there due
> to the fact that the parent is an alcoholic and is very
> emotional abusive to her. There are many witnesses to
> that, none reported, though.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- guardianship of a child that is not related to you, 8/04/07, by Louise.
- Re: guardianship of a child that is not related to you, 8/05/07, by sharwinston.