Re: pro-bono attorney fee?
Posted by Inland Empire Lawyer on 8/22/07
On 8/22/07, Chris wrote:
> Is it ethical for an attorney who signs on a client as pro
> bono to request a "token fee" of $2000?
Did he ask for fee at the time he offered to work for you, or
did he get the case started and then said give me $2000.
Pro Bono isn't a requirement, honesty is. So if the Attorney
said, I'll do your case pro bono, but I need a token fee of
$2000 to get started, then I think he is fine. I don't think
thats much different than a flat rate fee. If he gets you half
way into the case and then says "give me $2000 or I'm out",
that may be an ethical issue. What exactly does your retainer
agreement say?
Maybe the attorney shouldn't use the term "pro bono" and
should instead stay "flat rate".
Posts on this thread, including this one
- pro-bono attorney fee?, 8/22/07, by Chris.
- Re: pro-bono attorney fee?, 8/22/07, by Inland Empire Lawyer.
- Re: pro-bono attorney fee?, 8/22/07, by 00.