Post: Child Support from self-managed to court managed...
Posted by DeanM on 10/09/07
I'm wondering if it is possible to get a child support order by petition, changed to a court order that is then managed and enforced by the court. My current order is by agreement/petition only, and due to the fact that my childrens deadbeat mom won't pay on schedule, I am constantly having to file paperwork with the county prosecuting attys office to get enforcement help. The most they do is make a few threatening phone calls to her, attempt to garnish wages from a job she doesn't hold for long, etc. The mom will make a payment or two, and then stop again. Long enough to get the P.A. off her back, especially since she won't hold a job.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Child Support from self-managed to court managed..., 10/09/07, by DeanM.