Post: Pre-nup in spousal bankruptcy in comm prop state

Posted by stevie on 10/10/07
My spouse is filing bk, as I stated in an earlier post. We have no joint assets or debts and never have. We have a pre-nup. We have had two subsequent agreements, although neither disavowed, per se, the pre-nup. The last one,in July of 2006, wherein we came to certain financial agreements, was recorded by me in the county where we live. We have filed joint tax returns up until 2006. I don't want to file with him to distance myself from him (I had no income and he will claim all of his), but he is pressuring me to do so so he doesn't get slammed filing separately. I read that the IRS recognizes marital agreements, so I am not too worried about them if I don't file wth him and don't volunteer liability. I am worried about his unsecured debtors coming after me and the potential ramifications of the two post pre-nup agreements (which essentially favored me). I live in Nevada and am not opposed to paying a lawyer who knows what he or she is talking about. Surely there is something finite or at least reliable? I haven't been able to find case law.
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- Pre-nup in spousal bankruptcy in comm prop state, 10/10/07, by stevie.