Re: Children's Bureau
Posted by bruce on 1/24/08
On 1/17/08, bruce wrote:
> i had called Children's Bureau on Tuesday because my
> youngest daughter (age 3) had told me that her mothers bf
> had tied her up and hurt her, she didn't say how he hurt
> her. I have it on video. Children's Bureau called back and
> said that they were going to talk to the kids today, and
> that they wanted to meet with me next Wednesday. What all
> goes into an investigation like this? this is the 3rd time
> that I've had to call CB on their mother since 2005.
The case was closed before they came to my house. I made the
report about physical abuse, and they sent me a letter saying
that no neglect was found....i'm still trying to get in touch
with someone to straighten this out. If my daughters happen to
do something, or say something (like they have several time
before) i within my rights to not return them to
their mother? How would i go about doing that without getting
in trouble? call police and let them know, and call children's