Post: Passports
Posted by Jolene on 2/14/08
I'm a single mother of 2 children by two different fathers. I'm getting married next week and we want to all go out of the country for our honeymoon. The problem being, that I've been told that I have to have both parent's consent in order to obtain their passports/visas. My oldest's father has not been in the picture for close to 8 years now and child support is unable to locate him, and the other pays child support but has not seen his son for more than 5 years. Neither have requested visitation or anything, and I didn't even think about getting anything with custody in writing. Do I have to have sole custody documentation in order to obtain their passports, or is there any other way around this. I was never married to either father and was told that in MN where their childsupport orders were filed, that since i was never married to them, that I automatically had sole custody. Is this true, and how do I prove this, in order to get their passports?
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Passports, 2/14/08, by Jolene.
- Re: Passports, 2/15/08, by 00.