Re: My maternal situation!
Posted by sharwinston on 2/26/08
Help you do WHAT? On 2/26/08, Rebecca Hodshon wrote: > My name is Becky and im going through some things with my > sons father, i need to no what my options are! He was > very, VERY verbally abusive towards me so i decided to > leave. But now i finally decided to leave that situation > and i thought i was going to take my son with me, but i > guess thats not so! The police told my ex-boyfriend, AKA > my sons father (they were babysitting for him while he was > at work) that i COULD NOT come in and get my son, so i had > a police escort and he said that he could not let me > remove him from their (the babysitters) care because he > was sleeping and not in a threating environment. What they > do not no is that my sons parents are some sick > individuals. His mother LITTERALLY wakes up with coffee in > one hand and a can of Old Milwalkees Best in the other. > That is not the kind of environment that i want my son to > grow up in! Can you please help me??
Posts on this thread, including this one
- My maternal situation!, 2/26/08, by Rebecca Hodshon.
- Re: My maternal situation!, 2/26/08, by sharwinston.