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    Post: HELP! Child and spousal support.

    Posted by Nancy on 2/26/08

    My fiance and I have been continuously harassed by his ex
    girlfriend. My fiance left her residence about 1 year ago
    and has been residing with me. We live in the Lower
    Mainland, BC. He was in a common law relationship with her
    for approximately 2 years and ended it about 4 years ago
    lthough they continued to live together. They did not have
    a marriage like relationship at all. They did not even
    sleep in the same room. She seems to insist they are
    married and they are his children. He wasn't even living
    in the same province when they were born. On Christmas Eve
    she served him with papers for spousal and child support.
    (Merry Christmas) This woman has two teenagers that are
    from a previous marriage (She has never gone after the
    biological father for support). My fiance only supported
    the children for the two years they were together.She
    refused to work and would stay at home taking pills all
    day. She has a very bad addiction to painkillers. He never
    tried to be a stepparent in any other way.
    His ex has been sending emails and texts stating she will
    burn our house down, put a bullet in our heads, etc. She
    even tried to ram us with her car one day while yelling to
    my fiancee "I hope when you f#@! her she squeals. All
    while her 10 year old daughter was in the car. She has
    followed us numerous times. We are scared for our lives.
    Police reports were filed but Crown has stated there is
    nothing they can do as there is no way to prove this was
    from her. Her reponse when we stated this in our
    application for a restraining order was that she was
    trying to turn around and that I was screaming profanities
    at her daughter! I may be a b!@#$ somedays but that is way
    beyond my personality!
    The court date is coming up. During the course of
    gathering our financial info we discovered that she has
    been forging cheques in his name, got ahold of his PIN
    number for his bank account and set up online banking
    (transferring thousands of dollars of his into various
    other accounts) and falsely claimed his GST and tax
    refunds for the last 4 years or so. She had offered to
    file (netfile-he never had to sign anything)his taxes the
    last few years (he doesn't know how) and she told him he
    wasn't eligible for anything, all the while having it go
    to her bank account. We are in the process of dealing with
    Revenue Canada.
    We saw a lawyer briefly and he advised us that she had one
    year from the date the relationship ended to file. As well
    as one year from the last time he contributed financially
    to the children. We needed proof. Even though we can't
    prove they seperated in 03 I was able to show him the tax
    return she had filed for him for 2006. She had put
    Seperated as the marital status. She also had that on
    hers. On the application she filed for support on Dec.
    20th, 2007, she also stated they were not together as of
    April 2006.
    We recently discovered that just before my fiancee changed
    his info with Revenue Canada she applied to have his
    marital status changed to Living Common Law on his 06 tax
    return. Again, we are in the process of changing it.
    Does anyone have any thoughts on this whole thing? I have
    been told by so many people that the male ALWAYS loses in
    child/spousal support cases.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • HELP! Child and spousal support., 2/26/08, by Nancy.

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