Re: Health and Safety Issues
Posted by sharwinston on 3/02/08
Woman: If you are not married to the alleged biodad: He has no "parental rights" whatsoever to YOUR unborn child. If -- and only if -- he ever legally establishes his paternal rights to YOUR child, then the issue of whether or not he's a "health" or "safety" risk to the child arises. Until then, you're making a mountain of a molehills. You deal with it then -- if he's anywhere around to be found. All too often, the biodad runs like the wind never again to be found when he finds out he's looking at 18 years of child support. On 2/28/08, Kindy_c_e wrote: > I wanna know what consitutes as a health or safety issue > for which the father can lose his paternal rights? I am 37 > weeks pregnant and the baby's biological father is in a > county jail right now facing charges for an alleged rape. > He has not been charged or sentenced to anything yet but > he is in the process of trail right now. He thinks when he > gets out, whenever that may be, that he will have rights > to see his child and will be a part of his life. I am not > putitng him on the birth ceritifcate so he will have to > determine that he is the father, but once he has done that > would this situation be enough to determine him unsuitable > to be around his child? I am hoping so and need some > advice about what his rights are and how I can prevent him > from seeing and being a part in my baby's life. > Thanks
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Health and Safety Issues , 2/28/08, by Kindy_c_e.
- Re: Health and Safety Issues , 3/02/08, by sharwinston.
- Re: Health and Safety Issues , 3/04/08, by Kindy_c_e.