Re: unwed mother's rights in wi
Posted by sharwinston on 3/16/08
... well... did he sign the Birth Certificate?
If not, then WOMAN: he has no rights to YOUR child
whatseoever. You can name YOUR child whatever you want.
You may take you child & leave & go whenever & whenever youw
ant. If he keeps YOUR child from you, if you want, call the
COPS for interfering with your rights to YOUR child.
And, for heaven's sake, do not battle. There is no battle.
He is unarmed and therefore unable to do battle until such
time as he legally etablishes his paternal rights to YOUR
child under the laws of your state. Paternal rights are
usually estalished by his signing the birth certificate OR
his written acknowledgment of paternity and, always, of
course, a Court Order establishing paternity, which
apparently he does not have.
Why you don't already know your legal rights to YOUR child
is beyond comprehension.
On 3/16/08, abby rowell wrote:
> I need help. I am an unwed mother, who lives in wi.-age
> 23. I am no longer with the baby's father. What rights
> does he have. Presently, we are battling over who's last
> name to give it. Can he demand to give it, his last name?
> I am still living with him and his family. I was told, I
> could leave at any time, but I had to leave the baby. I
> don't know what to do. He is eighteen, and lives with his
> parents on a farm. The father, is a convicted sexual
> offender(charge with incest with his 16 yr. daughter)I
> fear something will happen to my baby there. -abby
Posts on this thread, including this one
- unwed mother's rights in wi, 3/16/08, by abby rowell.
- Re: unwed mother's rights in wi, 3/16/08, by sharwinston.