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    Re: Father doesn't want to make things right.

    Posted by sharwinston on 4/18/08

    And just who in the he#l named the present child-support
    paying man anyway? And why would another man submit to a
    DNA test to get himself named as the biodad?

    And just, exactly, which "father" is it that doesn't want to
    make things right: The one you named years ago who
    apparently doesn't have any money OR the one you want to
    name now who does?

    I'm constrained to hold back my opinion of a woman who would
    do such a thing.

    On 4/18/08, T wrote:
    > I am the custodial parent and the non-custodial parent was
    > recently determined through DNA testing that he is the
    > father, however, another man was named as the father and
    > has been paying child support. Can I get this man
    > exonerated and go after the real father for support and
    > arrears? There is already a visitation schedule set up
    > with the real father and my son is miserable, neglected
    > and bullied by other kids at his house, can I fight this
    > to make visitation less than what it is now? Thank you so
    > much for your help.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Father doesn't want to make things right., 4/18/08, by T.
  • Re: Father doesn't want to make things right., 4/18/08, by sharwinston.

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