Post: waive parental rights
Posted by Georgett Tolman on 4/19/08
I need to know that if you waive parental rights, it also waives child support. I'm asking for my son. His ex, has pretty much taken his parental rights away. He is not aloud to see them,talk to them, call, write, and pretty much anything else for 5yrs. She is a very mean person and has even got more money than he has and cannot even lower the child support money, because of her. He had his driver lic. taken away without him knowing and now is having a hard time working. He feels that if she taken all of his rights, why not have it done legal because she already has won. He now wants if he does this does he still have to pay child support. Please let me know. Thank you!
Posts on this thread, including this one
- waive parental rights , 4/19/08, by Georgett Tolman.
- Re: waive parental rights , 4/19/08, by 00.