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    Re: Unreasonable Dad

    Posted by ....... on 5/05/08

    Take him back to court, thats the only way you can MAYBE get
    less time with him, but there is a 50/50 chance that you won't
    be able to reduce the time. If he can afford 2 vacations a
    year, it sounds like he can be paying for the daycare expenses
    at the least, take him back for a child support modification
    hearing. Good luck.

    On 5/04/08, Jojo wrote:
    > My sons father, whom denied my son for the first 16 months
    > of his life and refused to sign the birth certificate when
    > my son was born. when my son was 16 months old he calls me
    > out of the clear blue and asks if he can see the baby. I
    > was living with my parents at the time, who were
    > supporting me and my son so I could pay off the 12
    > thousand dollars my sons father put me in while we were
    > together. I wanted my son to know his father, I talked
    > this over with my parents to see what they thought of
    > letting him see the baby. My parents were totally against
    > letting him see the baby, told me I would regret letting
    > him see the baby. But would stand by what ever I chose to
    > do because the child is mine not theirs. my sons father
    > had a total of 6 visits with my son with a total of 4
    > hours in those 6 visits. Then he demands to take our son
    > for a weekend. I told him he could take the baby for a
    > weekend when the baby could talk and the baby should get
    > to know him more. He did not like that and said i will
    > see you in court. we went to court. the court order stated
    > that he could have 3 suppervised visits and after the 4th
    > he could take the child for 8 hours on his own. I feel
    > the courts did not take the best interest of the child,
    > handing him over to a stranger. but it was a court order
    > and i could not go against the court order. the father was
    > ordered to pay child suport.
    > we went back to court for a final hearing, the court order
    > states my sons father will have the child every other
    > weekend 2 weeks in the summer and alternate holidays. Oh
    > yeah he also can claim this child every other year on his
    > taxes. his suport don't even cover day care expenses, and
    > he paid nothing for the first two years of this childs
    > life. He informed me a few weeks ago of the vacation time
    > he is requesting the court order says two weeks he wants
    > the weeks to be split first week starting on my weekend
    > and keeping our son into his weekend. that would be 10
    > days. for the second week he wants to do the same that
    > will be another 10 days my counting says that is very
    > close to 3 weeks. I agreed with the time he wanted but I
    > want the same. he is taking two of my weekends with our
    > son I would like two of his weekends. and he is saying NO
    > he will not agree to this. He is very unreasonable and he
    > can not be talked to. he has yelled and screamed at me
    > calling me very bad names while my son has been with him.
    > he is angry that he has to pay child suport. every time he
    > calls he asks if i am enjoying living high off the hog
    > with his child suport payments. He is paying 130 a week,
    > which is being taken out of his check by child suport
    > becasue he was not paying like he should have been. Day
    > care is 189. a week. It breaks my heart every time my son
    > has to go with his father, he begs me not to send him. He
    > don't want to go with him. my son started wetting his
    > pants every other friday when he has to go with his
    > father. I asked my son why he does not want to go to
    > Daddys house and my son has told me Daddy is bad to you,
    > Daddy says mommy is bad. This man is playing head games
    > with a 3 year old child. This rips my heart out. I have
    > been very giving to this man but he does not give at all.
    > does any one have any suggestions for me.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Unreasonable Dad, 5/04/08, by Jojo.
  • Re: Unreasonable Dad, 5/05/08, by ........

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