Posted by Jennifer Spencer on 5/16/08
Please. Someone, anyone. I am a mother of two boys age 7 and 9. The boys father and I were never married. We agreed that the boys would be better taken after living with the father, with every other weekend with me in my own home. This situation changed the moment he married his wife Liz. They have kept the kids from me for months at a time for failure to pay child support that was never even court ordered, in fact nothing has ever been court ordered-not even custody. Anyway, At the current moment they are denying me visitation citing " I need to prove my consistency and sacrifice with seeing the kids." I have been unable to see them on a regular basis due to transportation issues at first and currently now my job does not let me off for the weekend, or at the very least Sundays when I am "allowed" to visit them in their home with Liz listening in on our conversations and dictating to me that I cannot even take them out of the home to go to McDonalds let alone a park, it HAS to be in their home. I am treated as though I am a prison inmate or pedophile when I am their birth mother for goodness sake! I don't know where to turn. I do not make enough not by a long shot to be able to afford a lawyer to obtain representation in court to force them to let me have my visitation and short of going over there I do not get to see them- I didn't even get them for mother's day! They waited till the last minute to call me and tell me I could come see them and by that time I did not have access to my roomates car! I am completely tore up about this as all of you can imagine and I really am at a total and complete loss. PLease, if there is anyone that is out there that can offer me advice in this situation please write me back. Do i have ANY Rights as their mom? PLEASE!!! Thank you in advance Jennifer
Posts on this thread, including this one
- HELP ME PLEASE, 5/16/08, by Jennifer Spencer .
- Re: HELP ME PLEASE, 5/19/08, by M'sta Mikey.